Cover Story for Good Light! Magazine

April 07, 2019  •  4 Comments

Here is the second article I got published in Good Light Magazine. I was surprised to find out that I got the cover! Most of the classes I currently teach are lighting classes so it is nice to have articles published on lighting techniques. I like to create my images prior to exposure so I don't have much to do later.

My photography is still based on my roots in film. I still treat my digital camera like a manual film camera. I turn off most of the auto settings when I purchase a digital body and do as much as possible in manual mode. I find this works very well for me and I maintain control over all aspects of the process. I do use auto focus most of the time with single point focus so I still make the decisions on focus placement.

I have another article on milk baths that should come out soon and I have two more article ideas that I think will be accepted as well. Forty years ago I did a weekly column on photography in a local paper. It was fun and I'm glad I am getting back into writing photo articles.


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Issue 61 - Good Light! MagazineIssue 61 - Good Light! Magazine Issue 61 - Good Light! MagazineIssue 61 - Good Light! Magazine Issue 61 - Good Light! MagazineIssue 61 - Good Light! Magazine Issue 61 - Good Light! MagazineIssue 61 - Good Light! Magazine


Financial ai chatbot meyka(non-registered)
Contemporary Images Photography | Cover Story for Good Light! Magazine celebrates the achievement of landing a cover story for Good Light! Magazine, showcasing the stunning photography that earned this honor.
Danald Wilkins(non-registered)
Agree with you that you make it sensible in all the ways.
Cover story for good light magazine and second article published for more aspects of the process,thanks for sharing. I can not wait to visit the site and making the wonderful assignment reviews with us.
Contemporary Images Photography
I love to create lighting set ups
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